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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Big Blue Can

Finally, I have a big blue recycle can in Chesapeake at my house. It felt like Christmas this morning when I saw them deliver my recycle can. I took out my 3 little blue tubs and dumped them into my big blue can. I then added some cardboard boxes which I have not been able to do before for Tuesday pick-up. Now I can see that we are recycling more than we are sending to the dump. Yeah!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holidays Around the World

I have had a blast with our holiday destinations around the world. How about you? My favorite has to be Germany because I love gingerbread cookies. But the yule logs of France are a close second. It sure was fun adding Sweden to our passports this year, too. I am glad we made that decision. Besides the food, I must say listening to the music and exploring the symbols of each of the tradions was exciting. Piera's mom joining us for our Hanukkah studies was certainly a treat too. I loved Piera's menorah. What was your favorite part?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December is Here!

Yeah! I'm glad to hear that you all had wonderful Thanksgivings. It sounded like you all enjoyed spending time with family and friends. It was awesome to hear how much you are looking forward to the winter holidays so that you can spend more time with friends and family. Close knit relationships make everything much better. I feel like we are our own little community in room 104. I love spending time with you every day and watching you grow and blossom into super citizens who care about what you do and each other. Remember KINDNESS is the citizenship characteristic I will be looking for this month. Who do you think I should pick?