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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Remembering the Patriot Heroes

As we finish up our unit on patriotic symbols and holidays, I am pleased to say that we have some very patriotic students. They have become very knowledgable about American symbols and holidays. They were diverse in their favorites, but the theme of freedom being represented by the symbols was evident in the students discussions. Also evident in their discussions was their appreciation for the freedom they enjoy which so many people have fought for and given their lives to ensure. Remember to say thank you in your prayers as you remember why we celebrate Memorial Day every year and enjoy the priviledge of FREEDOM protected by so many lives. What did you do special over the holiday weekend? I'm spending it with family and friends.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Poets Amoung Us

Who would have know that first graders are such wonderful poets? We have been listening to poets that use descriptive action words and sound words that help us to visualize what a poet is thinking. We have tried our hand at writing our own descriptive poems in poetic form. It is nothing like writing a story with complete sentences. The students came up with a wide range of topics for their first poems and I must admit, I was definitely impressed with the details they incorporated. They really used their imaginations and their senses in their writing. What would you call an exciting topic for a poem?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Celebration of Mom

What a superb job the 1st graders did reciting their poems, singing their songs, and remembering their lines for the momisms. Most of the moms commented on how impressed they were that the students remembered some many songs and poems in addition to the movements. Well, there is no denying that they did a awe-inspiring job, but I think it is the movements that helped the students to remember the words. Keep that in mind when you are trying to remember or learn something...add some movement to really get your brain ignited. I think it also helped that the students thought it was fun and they could connect to the performance because it was for their special moms. But it wasn't just a performance for the students, they created flowers and vases by reusing common things found around the house, wrote their own poems and stories about mom, and did some amazing artwork. It was absolutely a fantastic, fabulous, fun-filled Friday! What did you do for mom at home to celebrate her love and caring for you?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mother's Day Preparations

We know ourselves best, but we know MOM pretty well, too. The students have been working on poems and stories for their mothers. I must say they have wonderful stories to share and their poems show great insights into their mothers' influences over them. They are doing an amazing job learning the songs for their Friday performance. My favorite thing about my mom is that she stands behind me in support of all my endeavors. What do you like best about your mom? You should tell her.