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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Impressive Math

I'm impressed with the math brain power in my room this year. The students have come up with some very unique ways to express 114 for the 114th Day. You must keep in mind that these are 1st graders and they are doing the computations in their heads. I would never have thought of 10x10+20-6=114. When young minds are left to explore alternative ideas, they will surprise you. What would you give as an equivalent name for 114?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sustainability as an Everyday Thought

I am very proud of my students' thinking in terms of sustainability. It has become part of our daily language. I will be reading a book that truly has nothing to do with a lesson on sustainability, and my students will raise their hands to point out something in the picture or the story words that is related to sustainability. For example, I was reading Go to Sleep, Groundhog! when Sam discovered on the very first page that the groundhog was brushing his teeth with the water running down the drain. Then as part of their Gifted Resource lesson later that day, many of them were sorted pictures according to recycle categories (paper, plastic, metal), nature things, reusable things, things that once lived. It is very inspiring. Just think about how much ties into being a sustainable planet everyday.