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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Readers' Theater Presentation

I made my presentation about readers' theater at the Virginia Beach Reading Conference this weekend and the teachers attending seemed very interested. They liked our video clip of your presentation of the Three Little Pigs. Thank you for your help. I am glad that you are enjoying it also because it is fun working with you to get your expressions and voices right. I am looking forward to watching your progress as you improve as readers and presenters. So what do you like best about readers' theater?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Crazy Week

It has been wild and crazy this past week. First being off because of the Nor-eastern two days and then coming back to get H1N1 shots, really threw off our schedule, but we perservered. And what did you think about doing Readers' Theater? I loved the 4 different presentations of Goldilocks. It is going to be so much fun watching you all grow as readers and presenters that I am having a difficult time turning my brain off tonight. I have lots of cool ideas bouncing around in my head for things we can do with readers' theater this year. Thank you for being the amazing group that you are and being willing to try new things with me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What a Week!

Pumpkin Exploration, Crazy Hat and Hair Day, strep throat, flu, elections, and conferences...lots going on. Pumpkin exploration was a blast with all of our volunteers helping us predict, measure, and explore. Crazy hat and hair day was amazing with so many students participating. I loved it. If you have had the flu or strep throat, you have my sympathy. Please make sure you are healthy and well before you come back. It is no fun to share germs with friends. I hope you had fun voting with Mrs. Smith while I was out recooperating. I know I enjoyed talking with your parents and telling them about your progress. With so much to choose from, how will you decide? What did you like the most about everything during the past week?