We have been busy building fact power in math. Today we found out that we can be faster at figuring out sums than a calculator. Just ask us what any number is plus 1 or zero. Ask us our sums of 10 or our single-digit doubles. We know those faster than you can key them into a calculator. But that's not all we have been doing. We finished our motion unit and created rollercoasters. We discovered that all sound comes from vibrations and it doesn't take much to change the pitch or volume of a sound. In writing, we are using our imaginations to write stories about animals that we personify by having them do people things. Just imagine a jellyfish who has been sent to the principal or a bull driving a tractor. It's loads of fun letting our imaginations run wild. What would you write about just for fun? As for reading, we are learning to clarify our understanding of a story by retelling it in our own words using just the illustrator's pictures. Ask us to show you how at home. Now, that's all good stuff, but we also earned a popcorn party in art for our good behavior and an ice cream party for collecting the most box tops for education last quarter. There's nothing like a little something for the belly to make you forget that it is cold and wet outside.