So Thursday we filled in a KWL chart for "worms". We KNOW a lot about worms. Everything we knew was in one of he books we read. We had some great WONDERING questions, but we could only answer a few with the books we had in class. We need to use more resources. We LEARNED some very interesting things, too. Did you know their are over 1200 kinds of worms, an average yard has about 1800 worms in it, and a worm eats 1/3 of its weight in a day? Also, worms can live to be 10 years old, but on average only live a year. Well, I decided it was time to add a new tray to our vermicomposter Friday morning with so much interest in our worms. The students decided that the worms are like our pets since we take care of them. While showing the students what the previous two trays looked like,we discovered young worms which I think is exciting. That means we are taking GOOD care of them. It made me curious about the worms life cycle, so I did some research. Now I just want to take a second look to see if I can find worm eggs to show the students. I guess I'll just have to wait till Monday.