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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Readers' Theater Presentation

I made my presentation about readers' theater at the Virginia Beach Reading Conference this weekend and the teachers attending seemed very interested. They liked our video clip of your presentation of the Three Little Pigs. Thank you for your help. I am glad that you are enjoying it also because it is fun working with you to get your expressions and voices right. I am looking forward to watching your progress as you improve as readers and presenters. So what do you like best about readers' theater?


  1. I liked the 3 little pigs because we were the only group that was all girls. I wished we could dress up in costumes for the readers theater.


  2. Hello,

    I just wanted to state that Readers Theater is awsome. Piera has come home everyday very excited about practicing for "Goldie Locks And The Three Bears" and "The 3 Little Pigs". I think this is an excellent program.


  3. I liked it because you got to read to the entire class. I wish we could dress up for the reader's theater, too. When are we doing the next reader's theater?

  4. i like it because you get to do a show in front of the inttire class.

  5. I like reader's favoret one is the three little pigs.

  6. I have a very fun time doing it
