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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dream Vacation

Now that we have finished studying different geographic areas, we are writing about our dream vacation to one of these areas. The assignment is to describe a vacation including the weather, clothing, transportation, shelter, and activities found in the area. Naturally found plants and animals should be described, too. My favorite part is the food found in the area. I am looking forward to the descriptions of the food. I want descriptions that will make my mouth water and my tummy rumble. I hope to hear about sweet, juicy raspberries; red, steamy crabs; and soft, hearthy wheat bread. Where would you go on your dream vacation and what food would make you drool? I am looking forward to reading these papers.


  1. my dream vacation is the tropical beach you would eat boild crab with salt.

  2. my dream vacation is a tropeclbech.I will eat stemy smoky shrimp with melted buter.

  3. My dream vacation is in the TROPICAL BEACH.I LOVE BANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANAN'S!!!!!!!So much I go crazy about them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
