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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazing Story Responses

What a wonderful job the students did today on their reading responses to the Frog and Toad story The Garden. Monday we did "I wonder..." questions as we listened to the story, but didn't look at the illustrations. They had some amazing "wondering" questions. Tuesday, we did visualizations where the students discribed what they could see, hear, smell, touch, and feel in the picture in their heads when we listened to the story again. They had some awesome answers. Today, we listened to the story again and looked at the illustrations. They discovered that the seeds grew because they recieved rain and sun, not because Toad read or sang to them. It is amazing what you can discover in the pictures. I still want to know what book Toad read and what song he sang to the seeds. What still has you puzzled in The Garden?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Extravaganza

What an outstanding day. The students did a fantastic job with their Earth Day commercials for the school-wide program. They had extremely insightful things to say about out marigold and tomato planting. They enjoyed their green Jello jiggler palm tree treat while watching the Lorax video. Power Day was fun without paper, too. I'm excited, also, because I don't have any more papers to add to my pile to be check. I loved the program most today. What do you think was the most thrilling part of the day?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Natural Resources

We have been readying ourselves for Earth Day as we studied natural resources. It has been lots of fun and I think the students are ready to save the world one piece of reusable or recyclable trash at a time. You can hear their excitement in their voices as they talk about making a birdfeeder from a Starbuck's cup or a birdhouse from an orange juice carton. They are an extremely consciencious group and they are ready to take on the world of conservation. What do you think everyone needs to know about keeping the earth green and healthy?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wild Things

Mr. Lightheart and Wild Thing vistited us at Creeds ES. It was exciting and energetic. Mr. Lightheart is a wonderful storyteller. I wonder if he was anything like Max when he was little. What do you think your mom would do if you told her you were going to eat her up?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Wonder...?

I wonder how this mouse got in the glass and what it is thinking. With our reading this week, we have been doing lots of wondering. I have enjoyed the questions accompanying our Leo Lionni stories and our Eric Carle stories, too. The students have a very inquistive and creative way of looking at things. Ask them what they are wondering about the next time you sit down to read a book.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Our spring celebration included a coconut (fur) covered bunny cake as our sweet treat. We made flowers and put special messeges in decorated eggs. It was all fun.
I hope your Spring Break was special and fun, too. Did you get out in the sun this week? It was a great week for playing or working outside. The weather was awesome. I was outside weeding with my daughter, Amber, and mulching with my husband, Rich. Also, I did some roof repair, stump removal, and built a new flowerbed for my oversized sago palm tree. Yes, I did enjoy some down time reading a book in the sun and seeing "Alice in Wonderland" at the theater with my family. What did you do for fun this past week?