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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Our spring celebration included a coconut (fur) covered bunny cake as our sweet treat. We made flowers and put special messeges in decorated eggs. It was all fun.
I hope your Spring Break was special and fun, too. Did you get out in the sun this week? It was a great week for playing or working outside. The weather was awesome. I was outside weeding with my daughter, Amber, and mulching with my husband, Rich. Also, I did some roof repair, stump removal, and built a new flowerbed for my oversized sago palm tree. Yes, I did enjoy some down time reading a book in the sun and seeing "Alice in Wonderland" at the theater with my family. What did you do for fun this past week?


  1. hi miss marx i miss you from lass yer i love sping break from kateland mawyer

  2. Love the cake. Glad you had a good spring break.

  3. I got to go to northCaralinae itwas osama!
