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Monday, August 2, 2010

It's August!

Who would have known that the summer would fly by so quickly? In July, I went to Key West with my family. It was fun. I tried conch fritters and sampled their key lime pie (Mrs. Jones' pie is just as good.) Eventhough it is an tropical island, there weren't alot of beaches like we are familiar with here. They are mostly shallow far out in the water and rocky and covered with seaweed. It was interesting. They have recycle bins almost everywhere that they have trash cans on the street.
I have also done a bit of yard work at my house including helping my husband take down a dead tree so that we can prepare the soil for a new tree next spring. In the process, we accidently knocked the birds out of a nearby tree. I put the babies back in the nest and the mama joined them later after closely observing the rest of our work. From a distance, I watched her feed them later. We also saw a black widow spider at the trunk where it meets the ground. I am all for leaving nature be, but I did say it was a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER. I didn't want to run into later. You know I'm allergic to insect bites and black widow bites are poisonous. I just didn't see any good coming from letting that spider live. Sorry.
So I have heard from Liam and Judy. What are the rest of you up to this summer?

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