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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Festival Sightings

Did you see the Green Queen or Raggedy Anne and Andy at the Fall Festival? That was Mrs. Marx and Mr. Andy with his girlfriend, Anne. I am happy to say that 13 students from our class attended the Fall Festival. It is always a great time. I get to see current students and students from the past. I enjoy talking to parents and seeing everyone having a good time. This year my daughter, Amber, brought a friend with her and showed off the Frog Bog. In addition, this year was memorable because I won 2 prizes in the basket raffles. The only disappointment was that when I passed by the recycle bins, I saw styrofoam and food instead of recyclable items and in the trash can I saw recyclable bottles and cans and Capri Sun pouches. It made me think about how much further we have to go to educate our community about conservation. Do you think we can have everyone recycling by next Fall Festival?


  1. It was fun to see you also at the Fall Festival. What a great evening! We hope you enjoy all your new jewelry! We try hard every day to make good decisions for the environment. Aidan educates me all the time on what I can recycle. He has even been collecting the Capri Sun pouches after his soccer games and picking them up off the ground when he finds one! Thanks for helping our munchkins enjoy being green!

  2. You both look great! I did miss the fun festivities this year, but was thinking of all of you. I'm sure by next fall festival you will have some system down for recycling. Good luck.
