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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Literature Feast

We had a marvelous time at our literature feast today. The students enjoyed reading a food book and sharing it with their friends. Then we ate foods related to our stories. We had chicken tenders, hot dogs, spagetti, pizza bagels, vegetables, and dip. And of course, lots of desserts like cookies, cupcakes, and pumpkin pie. We used cloth napkins and plastic reusable plates so when we finished, we only had 2 classroom size bags of trash, not the usual extra large bag like the ones used in the lunchroom. It was a satisfying feeling knowing that we hadn't created lots of trash. What do you think will be the long-term effect if we always use cloth napkins, plastic reusable plates, and real silverware that can be washed and reused? I am thinking that it is a great green step toward a brighter, litterfree future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! And what a fantastic goal to reach for! It was very eye-opening learning all the things that are not recyclable which I had always thought were. I will now think twice before using the plastic spoons and cups.
