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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2011. It has certainly come in with enough snow flakes and cold air to keep us guessing. We miss going outside for walk-n-talk and recess, but we have been making the best of it. We have been doing lots of writing about snow, bundling up, and drinking hot cocoa. We have also been exploring other geographical areas. The students are split between the Arctic and Tropical Beaches for the most part, but ask them about Prairies, Deserts, Mountains, and Forests. They are quite knowledgable on these areas. We are working on a performance task where the students create an amusement park area based on one of the 6 areas we explored. I'm looking forward to checking out their final products. We have also been enjoying reading the wacky Wayside School stories. There are some strange characters in this book. What chapter do you think is the strangest?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun project! I can;t wait to hear about Aidan's amusement park. We also have been reading WWS. So far, I think the chapter about the dead rat has been the strangest... especially since it was not the first dead rat to try to get into the class!
