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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stretching Our Brains

We have been growing, learning, and experimenting. We learned a lot about the Earth and sun last month. This month we are learning all about plants. It is really fun because we get to do experiments. We found out that seeds won't sprout without water to soften the seed coat and warmth to signal that it is time. We talked about the parts of a plant and the functions of each part. We even did an experiment to prove that the stem acts like a straw to carry water to the leaves and flowers. When we added red food color to water in a vase the daffodil took in red all around the flower. We get to sample different parts of plants that are edible, too. Yum! What is your favorite part of a plant to eat?
We celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by reading lots of Dr. Seuss stories. The students' favorite story is The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. The most popular explanation is because the Cat in the Hat turned the snow pink. It was just too much chaos for me. Green Eggs and Ham was another favorite. Now, that story is fun and compelling. So where would you eat green eggs and ham?

1 comment:

  1. I like to eat raspberries. They are the seeds.
    I would eat green eggs & ham anywhere!
