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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Festival

Fall Festival was fabulous as usual. I just wanted to share a few conservation notes about it. The PTA used can drinks this year so the cans could be recycled and paper plates instead of styrofoam. I am very proud of them for making the switch. The paper won't take as long to decompose as the styrofoam, so it is a better choice. Thank you PTA! I was pleased to see students who made their costumes or reused a sibling's old costume. It makes for a great tradition to create your own outfit. By the way, how do you like my newspaper dress? It is totally recycable. Finally, I want to thank everyone who was interested in the pop-top earrings and cork board that were part of the raffles. I am thrilled to know that you are as interested in reusing things as I am. It is a rewarding feeling. So if you are doing something at your house for conservation that you think is worthy of mentioning, let us know. I have heard some wonderful stories of how we have inspired families in the community to conserve and rethink how they do things. Just post a comment.

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