Step 6: Student-led Conferences
Together we discussed the conference procedure and came up with a script that the students could complete by filling in the blanks. It was decided that all students would complete the script, practice reading it to others, and then share it with their parents. After reviewing their Habits of Scholarship evaluations, the students completed a closed script. It started with an introduction about sharing their progress. They explained how they were successful at something, something they needed to work on, and their plan for achieving it. Then they asked their parents if they had any questions and thanked them for listening. The students chose what to share with their parents. Parents who wanted a personal conference came in to listen to their students and we helped to guide their discussions. The parents seemed pleased with their child’s maturity and ownership of their learning. Parents who didn’t think a conference was necessary, were asked to allow their child to read their script, sign it, and return it. Some were signed and returned, while others were not. The students seemed pleased that they had been given the opportunity to be responsible and share their progress. It was a win for all and another step toward personalizing their learning.
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