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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Personalized Learning in 13 Blogs-Step 13: From Here

So,…last week we were a stop on the Design Fellow Tour. The students were showing off how they self-evaluate their writing. They explained to our guests why they made the choices that they made about seating, graphic organizers, and use of the writing rubric. It was a stellar day. The students were excited that someone outside of our school wanted to ask them questions and attentively listen to their answers. Then, Monday was the final Design Fellow meeting. We did a lot of reflecting on our progress and sharing our journey. We started to speculate on what our next steps would be…because our journey has only just begun. Wednesday, I updated the school staff and offered my assistance as they join the journey. I am looking forward to the exciting changes in our future that are going to enhance the student’s learning.

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