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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Picking Pungo Blueberry

Las Vegas was fun with all of its shops and shows, but you can have fun in Pungo, too. I went to Pungo Blueberries today to pick blueberries and blackberries at the peak of freshness. They are so tasty and this winter when I pull them out of my freezer and savor their flavor, I will be reminded of this warm, sunny summer day when I picked them. I think I will have to go get more soon so I have enough to last me all winter. Will anyone else be picking berries this summer? It is just down the road on Muddy Creek Road. They are opened 7 am to 7 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.


  1. I love to pick blueberries and freeze them, too. My favorite way to eat them in the winter is to put a few in my oatmeal. Yum!

  2. I wish I did like blueberries and blackberries but I don't. I know that is crazy but I do love strawberries! Sounds like your summer has been a busy one. When you get back to work, there will be lots of changes. See you in a month!

  3. I have some blueberrie and blackberrie bushes in my yard.

  4. I went blueberry picking too... with my cousins and aunt and my friend michelle
