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Friday, October 9, 2009


We have been working on learning about conservation all week. I would love to hear what you think about it. We discussed reducing, reusing, and recycling. We talked about composting being a form of recycling. What can you do to conserve earth's resources?


  1. grow more plants and trees please

  2. pic up trash. plant trees. dont liter. dont waest water. reuse recicol reduse.

  3. I would rud my bieck and get a gluv and a bukit it would have a esorsus.

  4. When we recycle paper we save trees.Pick up trash.I reduce,reuse, and recycle.I plant a tree once a year.I always use the back of paper.

  5. When we recycle paper, We save trees,so we recycle paper. We have more trees. We can reuse cans into pencil holders.

  6. When we go to the beach we pick up the trash. I like to go to the beach.

  7. Please plant more plants
