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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Festival

Did you see Mother Nature and a Creeds Indian at Fall Festival? That was me and Mr. Andy. We had a fabulous time at this year's Fall Festival. It was wonderful seeing all of our Creeds friends present, past, and possibly future. We sure have a super PTA for putting on such a fantastic event. What was your favorite activity?


  1. Great picture, and I did see Mother Nature and the Creeds Indian. Great costumes! My favorite activity.... the whole thing. It looked like the kids were having a blast. Thanks for all of your help!!!

  2. It's Kara. We have internet now and I have Piera all set up to blog with you and she has her own site set up. She doesn't know it yet, but I will tell her in the morning. Have a great day!

  3. Hi Mrs Marx I saw you at the fall festival I had a great time hope you did to.
