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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Animals, Animals Everywhere

Can you think of an animal that is covered with fur, walks on 4 legs, and eats eucalyptus leaves? Of course you can because we have been studying animals for 3 weeks now. The students have really enjoyed discussing and exploring animals. They have learned about scientist classifying them by their unique characteristics: coverings, movement, habitat, appendages, enemies, and eating habits. Next week before our test, we will get to share our animal clue flipbooks, feel some actual coverings, and explore our favorite animals more indepth. I am looking forward to it. Can you guess what animal I like?

1 comment:

  1. I gesst that the animal was a cwolubear.I never new that a cwolubears eat eucalyptus leaves.Are we going to lern abot animal's next week we come to school?I hop so!
