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Friday, January 1, 2010

Exciting Times

Welcome to 2010! I hope you have all had a great winter break. I have enjoyed spending time with my family and friends, eating delicious treats, and reading a book about being "gorgeously green". I was tickled to find that my daughter, Heather, wrapped my presents in brown paper bags with paper ribbons. One of the things she gave me was a basket made with rolled up newspaper. I will bring it to school to show you, but this is a picture of it. It is the neatest thing...and an example of creatively reusing resources. So what have you been up to during the break?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Marx! I'm glad you had a great vacation and holiday and enjoyed your presents from you daughter. I went skiing and tubing this weekend. My favorite present was Wii! I missed you very much and I'll see you tomorrow!
    (my mommy typed this for me)
