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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cinderella at Kellam

We really enjoyed Kellam HS's presentation of Cinderella. Our favorite character was Cinderella, of course. She was kind, polite, pretty, and she wore beautiful dresses. We liked the prince, the king, and the fairy godmother, too. The funniest parts were when the mean step sisters were pushed down by the stepmom as she tried to put her foot in the glass slipper and when the maiden kicked the prince's servant because the glass slipper didn't fit her foot. The special effects like the disco ball lights and the glow-in-the-dark floating dress were intriguing. The scenery was spectacular and the pumpkin coach was sweet. Connor would tell you that dancing with his sister during the intermission was the best part. If you haven't seen the Kellam production of Cinderella, it is playing this weekend and next. The fairy godmother said that dreaming and wishing aren't enough on their own, but magic isn't needed, just action. What do you think about that?


  1. I loved it. It was the best yet.

  2. What a fantastic performance. Everything about it was wonderful. The dancing between acts was a great time. I'm glad I could tag along.
