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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Worms at Work

We now have a vermicomposter in room 104 with worms at work composting food waste for our 1st grade garden. We are so excited we want to sneek a peek everyday at what those worms are up to, but we know we shouldn't so we don't. I bet it would make a great story, if we let our imaginations take over and visualize those worms at work. Can you picture them in you head at a all-you-can-eat buffet or a backyard family reunion? Give it a try and see what you come up with in your imagination.


  1. I CAN IMAGINE Ha Ha Ha......worms in a all you can eat buffet. They would be eating cake and ice cream. Also, bananas and apples. Also, oranges, brownies, and pineapple.

  2. I can imagine the worms having a reunion. They have lots of food. Like cake, ice cream and many other kinds. After they are finished, they will play and make compost. They will get gifts, like dirt. Ha! Ha! Ha!
