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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Plant a Seed of Cooperation

How exciting! One first grade reading group performed a readers' theater skit they helped to write for the 3rd grade today. It is all about the parts of the plant, their functions, and how they must cooperate in order to grow healthy and strong to reach their full potential (a flower that produces seeds for future plants). I had a great time working with this group and I'm proud of their growth and performance. If you saw it or performed in it, "What do you think?"


  1. i liked performing in front of the third graders.

  2. I loved performing Plant a Seed of Cooperation right in front of the 3rd graders.At first I was a little scard,then it trend out it was fun.Some of us still need to talk a little laoder.Most of us need to talk clerer.All of us did a very good job!

  3. i think it was an a plus

  4. I was in it and the wild Eamma was in it.

  5. It was gate being the narator

  6. me was awseome at third grade performance

  7. Iloved it. It was the best thing ever.

  8. I think the reader's theater is a great idea for the kids to complete. I also like the fact that they wrote the story themselves. The picture above shows the actors personalities.

  9. I think they did fantastic and they were really good.

  10. I think they did good and I thot ralph was funny. What do you think, Mrs. Marx?
