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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Afternoon with Dad

That was a blast! It sure was fun taking the afternoon off of classwork to play with your dads. It was wonderful that they could all attent. Remember to thank them and always show them just how much you appreciate them, even when it isn't Father's Day. My favorite part was talking to your fathers, but I bet you enjoyed the games more. Which activity was your favorite? Which one did Day like most? Remember to be nice to Dad on Father's Day, June 21st.


  1. My favorite game with dad was kickball, our next favorite game was the parachute, last was tug a war.It was really fuuuuuunnnnnn!

  2. My favorite thing was kickball.

  3. When I was with my daddy at the father's day
    program I had so much fun with my daddy we did
    tug-of-war and we did kickball too.

  4. My favorite part with my dad is going to HOME DEPOT.
