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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

End of the Year

The end of the year is closing in on us. I think you are ready for 2nd grade so I am not worried. But let's make sure we finish 1st grade in style and don't miss anything. Here's what you have to look forward to in the final days:
  1. Thursday, June 11, Handel's Ice Cream Fundraiser 5-8 pm
  2. Friday, June 12, Hawaiian Day/Surf's Up Spirit Day
  3. Friday, June 12 @ 1:30 "Afternoon with Dad"
  4. Tuesday, June 16, Field Day Fun 9-12
  5. Wednesday, June 17, Class End-of-the-Year Celebration
  6. Wednesday & Thursday (June 17 & 18) Early Release @ 12:30
  7. Thursday, June 18, Last Day of School (Early Release @ 12:30)
  8. Friday, June 19, First Day of SUMMER! Have fun!

It all looks exciting to me. What do you think? What are you looking forward to most?


  1. I like to ride my bike outside on sunny days.

  2. I can't wait to see the Dad's with their children! What a GREAT idea! Way to go first grade!
    Kristi Bryant

  3. I like to go to my friends house.

  4. I like to go to the park on sunny days.

  5. In summer I am going to read some
    of my books. Here is two
    green eggs and ham and
    onefish twofish redfish bluefish.

  6. In the summertime I am going swiming.

  7. In summertime I will go swimming. We are putting up our pool.

  8. I can't wait for my dad to get here and meet
    the other dad's at the party.

  9. I'm going to miss the school next year because I will be at a defrent school next year caled ODC.I'm going to miss every body in the hole school.

  10. I'm looking forward to field day.

  11. I'm looking forwrd to summer.

  12. Hope all are having a great summer. I miss seeing all of you and hope to see you soon! Mr. D

  13. Wednesday I am going into my Grandma's pool. Anyone else going to a pool this summer?

  14. Today I read Cow Eat Cow at summer school.

  15. I got 2 baby silkies (chickens)
