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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Maple Tree Growth

So that you can stay in tip-top shape for your 2nd grade challenge, let's practice being scientists this summer. Carefully measure how tall your baby maple tree is from the soil to the top of the plant once a week and post your measurements so I can make a chart of the growth. As a plant scientist, like George Washington Carver, you need to provide the plant with water, air, and sunlight. Check its space and soil, too. Talk (communicate) with other people about your experiment observations and compare your results with the results of others on the blog. This will be so much fun. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. Taday Gabe let the chickins out when we where shoting.

  2. I measured my tree, it was two inches tall.

  3. My Maple tree is 6 inches high!

  4. My tree is now 6 1/2 inches tall. I am babysitting Shannon's tree while she is in New Orleans and her's is 7 inches tall.

  5. My tree is 2 1/4 inches tall.
