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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Field Day

What a wonderful day! The weather was comfortable. The activities were exciting. It was awesome being outside and seeing everyone having fun. It was a treat to have Mr. Andy at Creeds on a Tuesday and to have Ms. Wilkerson visit, too. It was simply a SUPER day! Make sure you give the PTA and the PE staff a huge thank you when you see them.

What was your favorite activity during field day?


  1. My favorite game at field day was shoe fly.I really love shoe fly.

  2. show fly is cool because it can go as far as
    any thing

  3. I loved field day. It was the best day I ever had.

  4. I had lots of fun on field day.

  5. I really like field day. It was the best!!

  6. My favorite part of field day was playing with Grayson and all of my friends. I really love field day.

  7. I really liked monkey tag. I also liked four square too.

  8. I really liked field day because I won a tie breaker when I was playing shoe fly shoe. I also liked potato sack race because I won two.

  9. i loved field day.

  10. I loved field day.It was fun.I can't wait for
    next year.

  11. One favorite thing about field day is snow cones.
